Can you shrink pores?

Image: Shutterstock

Image: Shutterstock

The straight answer is no, you can’t. However, you can make them look less apparent - almost negligible in fact, with good skincare and eating habits. Just these steps will make your skin look smooth and almost poreless.  

  1. Drink water
    If I had a penny for every woman who wanted great skin but didn’t drink water, I’d be a millionaire many times over. Whenever someone asks me for a wonder serum or cream, I ask “But do you drink enough water?” And more often than not, the answer is always no. I used to have apparent pores because I had very oily skin in my 20s. But the moment I got into the habit of drinking enough water they reduced by 50%. Drink a minimum of three litres, or more if you want really beautiful, luminous skin. I drink a litre and a half of warm water as soon as I wake up, and then two or three litres during the day. 
  2. Exfoliate gently
    Pores are more apparent when there’s gunk stuck inside. But instead of going overboard with grainy scrubs look for a chemical exfoliator. Read this post on the best exfoliators. If blackheads are specifically your problem, make sure that your exfoliator has a BHA (salicylic acid) in it. BHA helps unclogs pores deeply, thereby reducing their appearance. 
  3. Add an antioxidant
    Just like some people get pigmentation or wrinkles as they grow older, pores are also a sign of environmental damage and ageing. Use an antioxidant serum to protect your skin getting damaged by free radicals in the environment. Here are all the posts that I did on vitamin C serums, which are my favourite to reduce pores.
  4. Eat antioxidants too
    For the next one month eat a big bowl of raw salad everyday. Make sure that it has all colours - green, red, yellow, orange, purple - so there are all types of phytonutrients and antioxidants in it. Within a month you'll find that your skin is less pigmented, more luminous, moist, and even your pores look smaller. 
  5. Wear sunscreen
    For heavens sake, no amount of good skincare will work of you’re undoing the damage by not protecting your skin against the sun. 
  6. Get a laser
    This step is not necessary at all, but if you do want to make your pores look even small, or if huge pores are a big problem, ask your dermatologist for a laser. They stimulate collagen in your skin which makes it plump and more elastic, thereby reducing the appearance of pores. 
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