Three Uses for Vitamin E Capsules

Vitamin E capsules are such an old fashioned beauty hack, but they’re still relevant today. I remember my older cousin - the beauty of our family - who would massage pure vitamin E into her very dry skin. Now, as I’m older I find myself doing the same, especially in winter. Here are three other ways to use them: 

  • Under the eye
    Last a year a colleague told me that she uses the oil from a vitamin E capsule instead of an eye cream. She said that I will see a difference in four days. And she was right. In four days my lines were less visible, my skin looked a bit thicker and smoother. I would like to say that I’m disciplined enough to use it on my under eye area each night, but that would not be true. But when I do remember (and feel like my eyes are looking crepey) I just pierce a capsule, apply a small dab around my eye and consume the leftover vitamin E.
  • In a mask
    How do you make aloe vera do double duty? Just add the oil from one vitamin E capsule in it. Aloe is cooling and hydrating while vitamin E adds lipids - water and oil are two things that your skin needs to be healthy. Cut a two-inch stem of aloe vera, scoop out the gel, add the oil from the capsule and then massage it into the skin. Keep it on for 10-15 minutes and then wash off. 
  • With vitamin C
    Many years back a dermatologist told me that popping vitamins C and E together gives you very powerful antioxidant protection. And the benefits of taking them together go beyond the skin. Together they make the arteries more resilient and elastic, plus one study showed that they could also reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Take them together in the morning before heading out.