Product of the Day: Innoxa Blue Eye Drops
I love French pharmacies. I can spend hours there, and I would in fact book a ticket to Paris just stock up on my pharmacie favourites. One of my most treasured buys from there (other than Elgydium Blancheur toothpaste) are the Innoxa Blue Eye Drops. Because the prakriti of my body is pitta dominant my eyes tend to burn in the sun and after long hours of working on the computer. I like these drops because not only do they refresh the eye (obviously), but also they make the whites clear, and reduce any swelling. So if you've had a sleepless night or a bout of crying after a fight, use a drop or two in each eye to reduce redness and puffiness. There's Clearine in India, which reduces redness but no other eye drops reduce tear-induced swelling like Innoxa Blue Eye Drops. Did I mention that they're made with plant extracts and are completely paraben free? Check them out here: