My Natural Hair Massage Ritual

When it comes to my hair I like to keep it more or less natural. I choose henna over hair colour and hair oil over in-salon treatments. Over the last couple of months I've been using Ohria Ayurveda's hair products. I've also been massaging my scalp with their Kansa Wand. Check out the video for my review and the detoxifying scalp massage technique. Products featured:

- Ohria Ayurveda Japa Pushpa Thailam
- Ohria Ayurveda Nimba Karanj Thailam
- Ohria Ayurveda Honey and Coconut Milk Cleanser
- Ohria Ayurveda Banyan Root Hair Tonic
- Ohria Ayurveda Amrutbeej Hair Treatment
- Ohria Ayurveda Kansa Head Massage Wand

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